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E komo mai


E komo mai to our hālau hula (hula school) in Washington State and Nevada!


Founded in 1996, we continue the cherished traditions passed down through a lineage of Kumu Hula from the island of Kauaʻi. Our hālau stands on the strong kahua (foundation) of tradition, discipline, respect, unity, and aloha.

Halau photo at Kalani Pe'a Christmas concert

Open Enrollment

Join our hālau hula! Our bi-annual open enrollment runs from January 25th - February 25th!


If you're interested in joining our hula ʻohana or would like more information, fill out a class inquiry form on the classes page today.​

Kumu Mokihana holding a lei


Under the direction of Kumu Hula Mokihana Melendez

What we learn in hula, we apply to life, including our love and respect for others as well as ourselves. We are there for guidance, advice, support and comfort - not only in hula, but also in everyday life. Expression of our innermost feelings is a key factor for us. Hula is an outlet for us to show others how we feel.


The most important thing that we have gained through our hula is the understanding that hula will always be there for us, no matter where our lives take us. We may not live in Hawai`i, and some of us are not even ethnically Hawaiian, but what makes us Hawaiian is the aloha that we have in our hearts and minds for the land, the people, the culture and most of all... each other.

The history of our hālau

In August of 1996 with 5 dancers, Ka Lei Mokihana No Ke Akua was born. In August 2015, the hālau evolved to the next level and became Hālau Hula Ka Lei Mokihana I Ka Ua Noe. With the leadership of one of the original alakaʻi and charter member of the hālau, Noelani Ragudos is assisting to lead the hālau to the next level. The keiki, wāhine, and kāne that I teach one day will pass the knowledge to others which will keep the hula alive and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture.


Learn more about our Kumu Hula and Hālau:

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